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Welcome to the Archive

The Software Archive, a project run by Nathan Tech, is aimed at uniting previously scattered information, making the lives of visually impaired computer users easier and more accessible.
It is a central database of programs independantly submitted by users and developers organised into an easy-to-follow format with advice regarding accessibility attached.
When considering the structure of this project, there were a number of key points that needed to be answered:

Useful links.

How does it work?

  1. A user or developer submits a piece of software to us, tells us about it, and tells us how they have found using it to be.
  2. We verify this information through the shown URL with the submission.
  3. We test the accesibility of the program and verify that it is in line with our rating systems.
  4. We confirm the submission and notify the person who submitted it of their success.
  5. Users download it and enjoy!

Thank you to our testers.

Thank you to all the people who helped test The Archive and who gave innicial ideas and reports before we went live:
See a problem? Enter a report here.
Think we could add something? Submit a suggestion here.
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Nathan Tech

It's not disability

It's ability!

Last updated Sunday 16th February 2025 01:13:57
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